The Time() helpers lets your manipulate timestamps and dates easily.
do myTime =Time() // initialize a Time object at the current UTC timedo myTime =Time().at(2021,03,28,12,53,20,123) // initialize a time object at 2021-03-28T12:53:20.123Zdo myTime =Time().unix() // generate the unix timestamp (in milliseconds)do myTime =Time().format() // returns an ISO8601 stringdo myTime =Time().format("%h%d") // returns a string with a custom formatdo myTime =Time().add(60) // adds 60 seconds to the valuedo myTime =Time().sub(60) // subtract 60 seconds to the valuedo myTime =Time().with_timezone("Europe/Paris") // set the time in the given timezonedo myTime =Time().parse("2021-03-28") // parse a datedo myTime =Time().parse("2021-03-28T12:53:20Z") // parse an ISO-formatted stringdo myTime =Time().parse("01/01/2021","%d/%m/%Y") // parse a custom-formatted string